
With Easter right around the corner, I felt that it would be appropriate to share some tips that have helped me when it comes to the topic of evangelism. I am neither the most experienced person nor the most insightful, but what I do know and have experienced I have taken to heart. It’s my hope that during these next couple weeks followers of Christ will be looking for opportunities to tell… Read More

It seems that motivation is a hard thing to come by these days. There’s lots of different people who will tell us how to get it, each telling something different than the rest. With so many opinions, how can we really know where to look? Can motivation really be derived from something as simple as a temporary desire? Can we really look at a leader, someone who has the motivation to lead… Read More

We all have those days. The ones where everything seems to be shining and everything is right in the world. Sometimes they’ll be during a hard time, other-times they’ll pop up while life is running smoothly. But where do they come from? I’ve traced a pattern in my own life. First, my relationship with God. There’s a spot in Galatians 5 where Paul talks about what he calls “living by the Spirit.”… Read More