Last year, I wrote about five things that I’d learned from being in a relationship for two years. (read it here!). As today is our three year anniversary, I asked myself...

Old Testament, New Testament, what is the real difference between the two? What happened to the people who lived before Christ? Why was it necessary that Christ die for our sins? This is the...

Moving on. A difficult thing to do. For the past three years, I have lived comfortably in my family’s home, working on a degree online, and generally enjoying myself. Now, that...

Who am I?  Each one of us asks this question. In fact, if we are being honest, it is most surely the question that we each ask the most. Every day, we...

It seems to me that every day, I encounter yet another person who is trying to sell me something. My inbox buzzes all day with new products, new sales, and new...

Many times in my fast-moving young life, I mistake passion for commitment. Somehow I trick myself into thinking that the things that get me excited are the things that I have...

This Saturday, I will celebrate two years with my girlfriend Bri. While this stretch of time is not by any means long, to me it holds great meaning and has taught...

This is a continuation of my previous post, found here. As Easter weekend is almost upon us, I felt it would be appropriate to share some tips that have helped me...

With Easter right around the corner, I felt that it would be appropriate to share some tips that have helped me when it comes to the topic of evangelism. I am...

Have you ever looked at someone and realized you were seeing them differently? Have you ever seen a situation through a different lens? Each of us comes from somewhere, and our...