
This Saturday, I will celebrate two years with my girlfriend Bri. While this stretch of time is not by any means long, to me it holds great meaning and has taught me several important lessons about life and others. Below I’ll share 5 things I have learned. 1: Establish a Purpose First. So many relationships end up having issues down the road due to lack of purpose. One person thinks one thing,… Read More

This is a continuation of my previous post, found here. As Easter weekend is almost upon us, I felt it would be appropriate to share some tips that have helped me when it comes to the topic of evangelism. I am neither the most experienced person nor the most insightful, but what I do know and have experienced I have taken to heart. It’s my hope that during these next couple weeks… Read More

With Easter right around the corner, I felt that it would be appropriate to share some tips that have helped me when it comes to the topic of evangelism. I am neither the most experienced person nor the most insightful, but what I do know and have experienced I have taken to heart. It’s my hope that during these next couple weeks followers of Christ will be looking for opportunities to tell… Read More

Have you ever looked at someone and realized you were seeing them differently? Have you ever seen a situation through a different lens? Each of us comes from somewhere, and our experiences and thoughts give each of us a unique outlook on life. We refer to this as perspective. Many times perspective is an unconscious thing, we do not realize that what we are seeing is being portrayed differently for each person… Read More

I believe there are three ways we influence; knowingly, inadvertently, and through others, but in order to better understand how those three play into our lives, let’s define influence. The dictionary’s interpretation is: “the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.” I’d like to point out that we all have the capacity to influence others. Whether we like it or not, everything we do effects other’s view… Read More